--John started riding a 'balance bike' (a little bike with no pedals, which teaches kids to balance before trying out the 'real thing'). He is a pro! It's really fun to watch his little legs just propel him along on this bike. He can even lift up his feet and coast for 10-15 feet.
--Mid-Sept., we started a weekly 'family fun day' tradition. So far, have been to the town of Golden, CO to walk along the river & eat some yummy pizza, as well as hiking at Rocky Mountain National Park where we saw a great waterfall & the beginning of fall colors with the brilliant yellow of the Aspens.
--Ben went on an amazing men's weekend retreat called 'Men at the Cross.'
--John, our incredibly picky eater, downed an entire Filet Mignon at a party and even wanted more. We now know that mac-n-cheese, hot dogs, pb&j's, (enter any typical kid food of your choice) don't cut it with him - he wants the good stuff. Of course, Ben says he gets it from me and my Hudson upbringing. (You may be thinking, "Why on earth is this one of her Sept. higlights?"...but, if you know how much of a challenge it has been to get John to eat much of anything in his 2.5 years of life, you would understand why this IS a highlight)!! :)
--Ben taught John how to catch grasshoppers & feed them to the fish at the lake near our house (a talent that he got from his Indiana upbringing). :)
--We have been on a lot of fun outings with friends - to the zoo, hiking, to a really great local farm & to a little place in the mountains called 'Tiny Town' with a train & a 'town' made up of kid-sized buildings.
--We spent an afternoon with my brother, Jason, & his girlfriend, Regina, down on Pearl St. for the Fall Festival. It was John's first time in a 'bouncy castle' and he loved it.
And, here are the pics for your enjoyment:
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